Money: A Mask We Wear

The true power of money in life. I have started to notice people, who speak in a language where ‘money can buy everything‘ and I also have seen the ones who hide behind these native speakers because they feel the benefit of sweet-talking will buy them everything. I feel torn […]

Become Love: Surrender, No Objection

I have realized the ultimate reason why one should choose to become love. For a better quality of life that one should let themselves living. For instance; We think it’s love if we hold other people accountable for their wrongdoings, and remind those who are not on the right path […]

Full Course Meal

Dated: 12 March 2024 Imagine the feeling of fullness, happiness, richness, harmony, and excitement when you lick the last scoop of dessert after a full course meal. Such is Life – it gives you an appetizer, the main course, and dessert. Leaving the flavors of nuttiness, and sweetness by the […]

A Prison of Time

Time is a never-ending punishment that bounds you on this earth to bargain your life. It is the one thing whose dominator is that you bargain the one thing you are on credit in your life, i.e: to recover from any amount of disease, injury or emotion.

Fuel to Change

magine again you are making a sketch for your character in your life; while you left, someone else again drew your character for you in your life, there seems to be no CHOICE in this scenario but YOU rejected it. You reject to accept the fate, you rejected to accept the system, you rejected to be part of the cycle, because you ONLY have ONE LIFE. and you rejected to live on other people TERMS because you realized THE POWER OF CHOICE, and you choose to be who YOU don’t want to be.

The Gem Stone

Let say You are a seeker, and you seek things out of life. One day a person came to you in the strangest of the place and asked you to seek a rarest gem on this earth.  He  gave you a visiting card and said “ when you find the […]

Grocery Store

Life is like a Grocery Store; where “Customers come” and “Customers Go” you just give them your services. Your store is just not an ordinary Grocery Store but it’s rather unique. Because you give your Customers more then what they bought. You share your “LIGHT of Creator” with them. The […]


What is life with LIGHT? People mistake life as an ordinary; they haven’t cherished its extra-ordinariness till yet. Which lifestyle do you Choose? Can you feel each spore of your skin breathing? Like they are small fishes resurfacing on water to grasp mouthful of air? Or have you ever felt […]


Why human always associate GHOST with FEAR? Because when he hears ghost stories he automatically starts to feels goose bumps? How is it possible that ‘ A place where he was never in person yet he could still feel the presence of someone,heavy air and haunted sound at night’? Where […]


24 September, 2016 Very few are alive, other just die without even living. Let’s suppose you are born in a facility, it’s quite big and you have huge space to play with. You saw that usually people are complaining that they do not want this and they want that, but […]