24 September, 2016

Very few are alive, other just die without even living.

Let’s suppose you are born in a facility, it’s quite big and you have huge space to play with. You saw that usually people are complaining that they do not want this and they want that, but there are also those people who have accepted the circumstances they are in and they look quite alright to you.

Then you saw me and you come running towards me, I hug you tightly and you started telling me about how much fun you had today. In between you also mentioned that you went and played at third floor stair case and just on that thought I put you down from my arm and look you crossly in your eyes and said “ I forbid you to go to that staircase, you are never suppose to do that, are you listening to me never you are suppose to play on that stair case, is that cleared?” you reply, “Yes Sir.”

From then on you have stayed clear of the third floor stair case. Whenever you go near it big men with mustache are guarding. Once again when you tried asking me, I said, “I have already asked you to stay away from that stair case, I love you greatly and in return I ask for your sincerity to me. Don’t question just do as I say.” And you did for the rest of your life.

Question is who are you? Who am I? What is this place ? What is on the third floor staircase? Who were those people guarding the door? And what is Sincerity?

The facility you were born in was “Prison”, its quite big that you can play all day along. You saw some people who complained that they do not want to live inside,(but then they would get beaten up by those big men with mustache) and that’s why they were always unhappy. Then there were those who accepted that they never will be out of prison so they never say anything and the big men with mustache would not beat them that is why they seemed alright.

Then you saw me, I am the jailer of the prison, I have taken care of you for all your life and you love me unintentionally. I hugged you, and I listen to all of your rambling but you made the mistake of telling me that you went near the third floor stir case. That third floor staircase is the “EXIT door” from this prison. And in My (jailer ) prison, my control is ruled. So I ask you to never go near it, I tell you that it is forbidden for you. And you have never seen me this angry in life, so you agree with me to make me feel better about you.

When you go near the door you see big mustache men, guarding the Exit door, you tried again asking but in return I asked for your sincerity to me, and all your life  you stay away from that door to prove that you are sincere to me.

Who are YOU and What am I? Who are those Mustache men?

You are Non-Aware Human, I am your Mind and those Mustache men guarding the door are beliefs that mind has positioned to trap you if you try leaving the prison of “Mind”.

And you have died without even living out-side that prison.

So in real Question is what is Sincerity?

because Muhammad Ali says:


#catchyourmind and Stay Authentic

P.S: GRATITUDE to my father and my Uncle (barayji) and I surely miss his teaching and whatever I am is because of his knowledge what it was gifted to me (free of cost) the last 4 years ago and in the last two years I have practice all of these lesson to be what I am today. I realize my mistake and when I got LIGHT, it was too late.

©Mindmasked 2016 

28 Replies to “Staircase”

  1. I think that sincerity is AGFLAP. Mind wants us to remain trapped in that and never want us to come out of them. By being in AGFLAP, person lives in FEAR that he must not go to that staircase otherwise those Beliefs with mustaches will beat him. Kindly elaborate more.

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