June 15,2016

One word defines how human is wrapped in belief of his forefather, bandaged by Emotion (the fears of Future and the grief of past).

Who is already dead inside; trapped in a coffin called “mind” and unwanted to escape, he is called a “Mummy”.

Mummy is the best example that explains how beliefs have been wrapped along human being, and how he died a living life. A person spent all his life wrapped in the belief of his forefather as a cover to fit in society, because to survive in society human needs to be just like all of the others, because in the crowd of all identical people, no one’s mistakes (or weakness) are highlighted (face save).

This is the reality of non aware human; he loves to live in a trapped life. He is from one ungrateful species that is the reason he is always neediness of having something on his mind, this is where his coffin “mind”; helps him, human thinks that if he cannot see out of the box “coffin”, the Light of Creator doesn’t exist. And that is the reason he live inside his coffin.

The synergy of MIND is that it has masters of its own, because there are many big societies, many big segregated groups of people that each group have few of its masters on its own. These people are the “Pharaoh Mummy” of their Group, when one leaves his seat; the other is waiting in line. These people are the trainers of MIND, who trained people just like they were trained by their forefathers. Some are better Master “MIND”; then the other.

They are so attuned to their minds; because they have spent decades of their life in that coffin. First when they were young, they might have felt their masked-faces, hypocrisy each masked-face calls, how they were forced to follow something their hearts didn’t believe in, but just the belief of “LOOKING GOOD OR AVOID LOOKING BAD” suffocated them so much that this turned them into a mummy. An alive person mummified with his forefather beliefs.

He (Light of Creator) died a slow dead inside that body when trapped inside a coffin for the next 40 years of his life.

These are the people who then get master at this game of mummifying others, murdering their light because theirs were also murdered. And to get at top of this game, they need to mass murder those who become rebellious to their stance. There is one principle these Pharaoh Mummy work on Hitler quote “If you don’t like any rule, Just follow it, Reached the top. And Changed the Rule”

That is the main Reason that Pharaoh always died a living live wrapped in bandages of Beliefs and trapped in coffin of MIND and those who escape mind (become aware) they died a free life, as Moses.

These Master MIND pharaohs have so worked hard stumping (mummifying) so many people under them, because they do not have a choice; the choice of freewill when they are trapped in mind. Mind does not listen to them, they listen to mind instead. They only have an illusion of a freewill.

When human realizes he is under control of mind, that is the moment of choice to get free from being mummified in their life; that is the chance to become Aware, then comes Freewill to change.

Question is Do you Still want to be Mummified and die alive in that coffin “mind”,  or you want to actually live out of that Coffin?

P.S: GRATITUDE to my father and my Uncle (barayji) and I surely miss his teaching and whatever I am is because of his knowledge what it was gifted to me (free of cost) the last 4 years ago and in the last two years I have practice all of these lesson to be what I am today. I realize my mistake and when I got LIGHT, it was too late.
©Mindmasked 2016


7 Replies to “Mummy”

  1. WOW!
    Thank you for a great article!
    The layers of wiring that our mind creates, to give the illusion of free will is amazing when in fact a path we think we are taking again we “think” not feel is actually a maze that society and our DNA has created, so in reality we never truly break any barriers, but just continue in trapped maze like mouse.
    I do this often let the mind take over, and this is where the problem begins. I am so blessed to have a mentor who has made me aware, that though I still get trapped, I realize what is occurring.
    The key here is I have path and just because it does not follow A, B, C does not mean it is not there. As we create in the now, and to drift from our purpose, which I have done is where all the issues start.
    A lessons I learn but thankfully I have a hand that guides me and always ensure I am on the right path. So blessed for my amazing mentor!
    Thanks for a great article and for this realization!

  2. With what I have learned from the Muslim Religion, I find it quite fascinating through the eyes and articles of Sierra Blythe. I Live in the USA and find great differences in the way most people who live here feel. They have no idea what Masked faces are, or any of the AFLAPG beliefs..I have thought long and deep on the subject. I find that There is so much to know and learn about the Muslim Religion. I continue my quest for it’s knowledge. With hope that I can become a better person with no faces, awareness, catching the mind, DNA and seeing the light that the Creator provides for us. There are many more subjects and articles I have not covered. ..But my intent and interest still prevail…..

  3. Very well written article and a very key point that is addressed, what is free will but not a trap of the mind in our coffin, as we have been mummified to think our free will needs to be one of looking good or looking bad, then how are we truly alive and not in AGFLAP.

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