
24 September, 2016 Very few are alive, other just die without even living. Let’s suppose you are born in a facility, it’s quite big and you have huge space to play with. You saw that usually people are complaining that they do not want this and they want that, but […]

Letter for New Reader about Mindmasked Articles

Dear Reader, All the envy and all the hatred, we all people have created is not because what outside us instead all these difference are inside us. If we correct ourselves we can become very peaceful and can be connected to Creator. Irrespective of which Religion we follow. Join our […]

All of Mindmasked Articles

  Articles By: Masked-Faces Society Mind Momin 1- False Identity  1- Bandarwala  1-Meaning  1-Belief Forefather Mulazim  2-Coding Change 2-DNA Speaks Influencers Electrical Pole  2-Light  1-Master  2-Locks Remote Source River Capsule Clay Receiver   2- DNA Activation Ice Afterlife   Articles by:  Sex Drive in Human Society  Part 1  Karachi Buses  Part […]

Mind Masked

Where will you stand when you will learn the ultimate truth about your existence? That “YOUR in control of your life” – is just an illusion Instead your mere existence is just because of the seclusion that you have taken from the Light of Creator, because then only you can […]


January 08, 2016 I belong to a family with a very respectable surname but finding it rather funny to accept that if I am a true descendant of it because something doesn’t sit fit into the equation and since having the heart to search for it, I had rather not […]


Today I learned that beliefs are the biggest chain that tie a human to this earth. When he want to fly on Pegasus (burakh) and meet the creator – this chain pulls him down. “Namaz momin ki mairaj hai” Momin means human being who has a clear conduit from emotions, where as […]