Life is simply like driving on the road. Your attitude, your temperament, your vision, your thought everything allows you to encounter with all different kind of drivers.

Sometimes there are those loaded trucks on the road, that simply try to annoy you by cutting you off or try to intimidate you by driving too close.
Heavy annoying Truckloads

For instance: Sometimes there are those loaded trucks on the road, that simply try to annoy you by cutting you off or try to intimidate you by driving too close. Although they try to cower you by intimidating you by their size, you simply ignore them and be at your way.

Similarly, there are such people who are a little too BW (Bandarwala) because they just forget their limit. So, they are just like these truckloads who will do everything in their power to peddle you down, make things go unruly for you. Intimidating you with their SIZE of ego.

Here’s the truth:

Its nothing for you to worry about, they are just insecure of you. 
Their mind thinks you are threatening them by being capable of what they are suppose to do.
You are a JOYKILL to their imaginary kingdom.
Don’t ruin your peace. Be more happy, Be more grateful, Be more adventurous that’s what makes these truckload people more miserable and angry.

These truckload people know its time to grow up, to have some self-development and rise to betterment in life but they simply stretch out their time by bringing you down. Which makes them stuck in life in the same job, in the same past, in the same story of mind.

JUST KNOW: without them you would have never learned a valuable lesson of Attachment in life. It is such people like these truck load who are loaded with regrets, attachment, guilt, insecurities, AGFLAP in short that they donot have room for self-development, self-discovery, self-realization.


stop trying to be truckload, stop trying to find your answer in the OUTSIDE world. Just close our eyes and BREATH. That's your guide.
Thats a Hint: Discover who you are!

Remember first of all, unload your own truck, become a more slimmer faster sports car- meaning: clean your DNA, unload these sentiments, emotions, attachments. Second, stop trying to be truckload in someone life, stop trying to find your answer in the OUTSIDE world. Just close our eyes and BREATH. That’s your guide.