April 3, 2016
Ice is the primarily example that can explain How Human is stuck in his Mind.
Human Being is actually a flowing form of Light, which has gotten frozen after he was sent down on this Earth. But what mysterious secret is that Human can unfreeze his frozen state.
Human Being is flowing light (flowing 14 billion of year across); like the water flows from the tap, once the Light strike on this earth (it got contained); likewise water when poured into a glass is contained. But question arises that;
How Human being becomes FROZEN in its state of LIGHT?
When a human being get trapped in his Mind, he becomes NON-AWARE, and when he does so; he shifts swiftly from his beingness (flowing Light) to Human (frozen Light) form.
In his Mind, human is trapped in beliefs like water is trapped in an ice-tray inside a refrigerator. Both Light and Water is changing its free-state to become frozen one. Precisely these beliefs are like an ice-tray that is limiting flowing water into small jam-packed place just for the reason that, “that is its destiny, that is its purpose, that is what his forefather did”.
For start it doesn’t seem too bad as the water being frozen, but there is no use of frozen water rather than to just get drunk away by some other. The same way when Human Being shifts into his frozen state he is abide to follow the rules of Society, he is confused between the Island or Right and Wrong; judging all of his choices on the base of Locks of Likes and Dislikes because that’s what his forefathers did. And that way he never gets a chance to get out of his Mind.
So how can human being unfreeze from his frozen state?
It is as simple as how ice turn into water again, once it is taken out of the Ice-tray and out of the refrigerator, it start to lose its state and turns into its flowing state. Similarly when human start to get out of that Ice-tray= belief → stop living in Refrigerator= MIND automatically it will lose its frozen state of Light, and turn it back into its beingness.
There is one belief that Mind will trap human in (when once he start thinking about shifting back to his beingness is);
How will human get things done if he does not think from his mind? How will he earn money and feed his family?
Learn one thing; Mind is like a shield that is stopping the LIGHT of Creator from coming to human. Till human is living in his mind, in his beliefs, he is not connected to CREATOR. The GOD he prays too is in his own MIND, because when Mind is not letting anything enter inside that means it is also not letting anything to go out of its shield. And that is the sole reason human have problems in his life.
Mind traps human in another belief that is:
“GOD have given human punishment that’s why he’s sick”
But in reality Human has given himself punishment all of his life, he is disconnected from Creator, what else could be the greatest punishment, and mysterious thing is human has given him own self that punishment by living in his Mind.
Why human could not see this as a bad thing, because he has seen his forefathers done the same thing and when they have not suffered anything by living in their Mind then why should he go through the hassle of changing himself (leaving his comfort zone).
What human forgets to realize is that he is away from his Source of energy → Mind is feeding him the Capsule of Emotions → that way Mind is making human forget that he have a receiver that can hear the light of Creator.
And human only get sick when he feeds on the Capsule of Emotions (AGFLAP), Creator doesn’t give him each Capsule, Mind does and that way human get sick in his FROZEN STATE.
Answer this:
Does flowing water ever expire, or get stale or have bacteria and dirt in it? NO,Only contain water get stale and expires likewise Human being is contained on this earth it is natural for him to expire and get old (stale).
But if he is in frozen state then human has all of these dirt (belief) and bacteria (emotion) deep into himself and he cannot remove it because he is frozen, but in it these bacteria can survive low temperature and Human die a slowing death from Inside. (Like Cancer).
So do YOU want to UNFREEZE your FROZEN state?
Catch it before it catches YOU.
P.S: GRATITUDE to my father and my Uncle (barayji) and I surely miss his teaching and whatever I am is because of his knowledge what it was gifted to me (free of cost) the last 4 years ago and in the last two years I have practice all of these lesson to be what I am today. I realize my mistake and when I got LIGHT, it was too late.
©Mindmasked 2016
Passion the site– extremely individual pleasant and lots to see!
Emotions so easily trap the mind and freeze it. Until we can open our minds, have awareness and regain control. Those who want to change are being challenged by the peers around them In Western Society we have many faces and peer pressure. I must concentrate and remove the issues that cause the mind to be trapped.
Very good Article
Love you Susan, you just got the spot on meaning. Exactly that’s how mind trap you. One you become emotional know it all that you are disconnected to creator. What more will be suffering that Creator is unable to communicate with you?
Very good article
What a brilliant article.
Yes we as human beings are frozen light and when we are in agflap or unaware we freeze our energy, this can be seen for example in any type of stress test or even with molecular cell movement where the energy of the movement is disturbed to make one sick. We block the flow of our own energy from moving freely, and block the light which we come into this world and leave this world with. The light of the creator Allah sub an wath Allah.
This can been seen in x-ray image what do you see in x-ray a shadow and that is the shadow that is frozen our being frozen within.
Thank you for a great article!