Mindmasked website serves you a SIGHT of YOUR true self that is inhibiting YOU from Personal, Emotional and Spiritual growth.

Live a better quality of life,
stop becoming a victim of your own mind,
stop letting others SOCIETAL BELIEF control you,
make your own values and stand by it.

Become LIMITLESS!!  

You are your own UNIVERSE- Explore it!
Learn about yourself,
learn who you are,
Learn what you are capable of!

Find your passion,
Find what is your muse,
Find your inner Light!

Dive into it,
Flame high,
Burn all of the bridges behind !!

Combine your Inner-Fire with a purpose and live worth-fully.

If you are born onto this planet, let everyone know you were here.
Be Lightful, be Grateful and be Authentic.

Just follow ONE THING rule in your life,
Either learn one NEW Thing today
Remove one BELIEF* today

So that following this for one whole year your DNA will be of 365 changes .

*when you remove beliefs, Light of Creator ENTERS you.



  1. Awesome website. i must say.

  2. thank you for this article

  3. love it…

    1. mindmasked says:


  4. Expressability

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