What would the Universe look like behind the curtain?
Human Being is composure of two worlds (evidently physical and the spiritual), while the ability to access both of these worlds come through MIND. The people on this earth are of two consciousness “Lower consciousness” and “Higher consciousness”. These two consciousnesses are indeed not the dependent on the external factor rather they are all dependent upon the internal factor of the Human.
Seek Yourself, become aware of your Higher Self.
These consciousnesses are mainly based on Awareness state of Mind. If a person is Aware of how his Mind works; he automatically become part of Universe where his every action flow in Synchronization with Universe, while on the contrary the Non aware state of Mind (person) becomes more disturbed and his every action will automatically contradict with the UNIVERSE.
Human, he himself is a projection of Creator; everything starts with the thought – like a baby is born after the parents thought to have him. Naturally this makes Human being become a projector of his own, to create what he intended. This way the whole Universe is present inside the Human Being; whatever happens in his LIFE is the projection of what he has thought. It all starts from the inside out.
Every decision creates ripples, such that throw a rock in water and see how farther and farther the ripple effect goes. In exactly the same way human creates ripple. In both the positive and negative condition, the ripples create effect. These positive and negative ripples both are based on the level of consciousness.
If a person of a higher consciousness set himself to create a negative effect, he will synchronize his energy and let it happen, where as it will have the exactly same result in if the person wanted to cause positive effect.
Whereas the person of low consciousness, how much wanted to change the world and cause positive result will face obstacle in achieving his goal, the only difference is that neither a person will cause any negative stance in universe rather than what a mess he already have.
So question is how can a person bring a shift in his level of consciousness?
There is only one thing a person has to be aware of is HIS MIND. And to retain himself in the higher level of consciousness he must stop himself from slipping into AGFLAP.
At all cost he must detain himself from going into the “APATHY, GRIEF, FEAR, LUST, ANGER and PRIDE”.
These emotions are fuel to mind, which are the “chemical X” in making the “Power Puff Beliefs” by the “Professor Mind”.
Shift your consciousness from Lowe to Higher Stance
What is the difference between the two states of Mind?
A NON-AWARE state of mind person dwells on Complain, will he internally start to create disturbance in himself, he base these complains on the terms of A-G-F-L-A-P, and by doing so he starts emanating charged energy which then creates an environment of “Frustration”.
For example notice a person getting angry, automatically the people around him will get uneasy and the environment of the room starts to get intense.
But an AWARE state of mind person dwells on Gratitude, initially he will start to feel peace inside himself, he base these gratitude’s on the terms of C-A-P (Courage, Acceptance, Peace) and by doing so he start projecting charged energy which creates an environment of “Happiness”.
For example, notice a person who just got the highest marks in his examination, for he will be chirping and dancing all of the time and seeing him do so everybody will have a smile on their face. The environment of the room will be happy and light hearten.
A person, who shifts his conscious level from lower degree to higher stance, automatically brings a shift in his awareness state of Mind. And a person more aware from his inside is more attune to his higher self.
Choose your Word choose your World
Question is , Now that you knew how Universe work behind the curtain, what change are you going to make of your EXISTENCE?
P.S: GRATITUDE to my father and my Uncle (barayji) and I surely miss his teaching and whatever I am is because of his knowledge what it was gifted to me (free of cost) the last 4 years ago and in the last two years I have practice all of these lesson to be what I am today. I realize my mistake and when I got LIGHT, it was too late.
All of these articles have saved me a lot of heahacdes.