October 21,2015
The model of society is based on particularly a single type of characteristic, BANDARWALA.
It is a trait that actually modernizes a human from to its indispensable Darwinian precursor (i.e. man was monkey before) who found control as the explanation to cease those awful riddles inside themselves which make them vulnerable.
Bandarwala’s biggest fear is to get exposed in-front of people – which make them been judged – eventually they have this incredible excellence in disguising themselves; they find it very easy to blend in the society because it is in the primal nature of an Ape as “MONKEY SEE, MONKEY DO”.
So generally no one actually point out anyone because they all are busy swathing their traits from being exposed in society, and they are usually influencers; such that they used ‘control’ as their biggest strength to form bonding with their gullible peers, while bribing them in “FACE SAVING” in-front of society so that no one jeopardize their power.
Bandarwala’s are actually really weakened and vulnerable people but they masked their trait by “INTIMIDATING”. There are actually two aspects that can be observed in society, firstly by ‘Money’, secondly by ‘Sex’ (gender). Now question is HOW they become intimate influencers?
A child is thought as a flower which flashes its beauty and fragrance wherever it goes so it surly can grow thrones to protect itself from being harmed.
Similarly these bandarwala’s have been at once at disposal of these influencers in their childhood – who have swayed them down in the need of hunger, greed, abuse, rejection – in-term as damaging their morality and bartering it with the impression that ‘Control is everything’ that can cash anything in life. (Exemplary; If you are in control of yourself you can achieve your goal and when u reach the summit, you will be standing where you have earn enough money to never face the opprobrium you once felt.)
This ignominy that he faced where society was laughing at him for being a freak – has left a deep gash on his personality, and he then makes his aim to never be disrespected -the biggest revenge he think is to show them he can be more vindictive and intimidating than them.
Observe this that he laughs at other because he remembers what being laughed at felt, and when he had experienced it why shouldn’t it must be others?
It is more understandable as “ these bandarwala’s are standing in an arena like old times of Spartans while people of the town are applauding and boasting their inner CAVEMEN remembering that just these were the people who have been humiliated and laughed him off in-front of this whole town, are now applauding just for him. All he needed was to show who has greater command over whom by using materialistic bondage to run a society.”
NOW I QUESTION one thing that is ‘what messages are these bandarwala’s really giving to those who are being rejected from society?’ They are setting up just the example of Adolf Hitler who used to say “if you don’t like the rule, just follow it, reach the top and change the rule.”
BUT, do they forget that Who Prophet SAW was??? Isn’t it the big question mark that why Prophet (SAW) bothered to go to those sick garbage throwing ladies, when one day they didn’t turn the garbage on him.Who was he that when people of TAIF, has blooded his shoes by hitting him and he still prayed for them to be enlighten by ALLAH Subhanatallah???
When Quran gives lessons that hardships are to be faced with patience, no doubt Allah Almighty knows. Prophet SAW said “Oh people, your God is one, and you are offspring of one father, hence, no Arab has superiority on any non-Arab, and none of non-Arab has superiority on Arab. Similarly, no White is superior to Black, and no Black has superiority on White, the superiority only lies on matter of piety and goodness”.

Prophet Muhammad SAW further said “the best among you are those who are the best in attitude”.
Then here, my question is what should be most credible to us? Ofcourse the example of Prophet (SAW), but the irony is our society’s BANDARWALAs always failed to grasp this notion and try to implement their own EGO-BASED tradition, which we all come across throughout the life CONTROL.
©Mindmasked 2015
God help me, I put aside a whole afortneon to figure this out.
thanks for this post
Ceia,iclYour wonderful comment in English just came to me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your visits and kind words! You are a faithful and lovely friend and I so appreciate your commitment to always showing what is beautiful, peaceful, and inspiring! Thank you sooooo much! Bisous, Anita