November 28, 2015

Creator created the being in the “human being” and Mind created the human of the “human being”.

Being is the invisible faceless, nameless spirit” which the Creator created with his attributes and sent him down on this earth. Mysterious part is that human mind is the one which created the “image of that being”.

being nameless

This is explained with one principle in Islam, if a baby is stillborn (born dead) there is no namaz-e-janaza(funeral prayer) for him because his “being” was nameless, but if a baby died after being born; “namaz-e-janaza(funeral prayer)  is prayed for him because the “being” (spirit) in him was named.

Now understand how that “image of the being = human” is created?

Human is a jigsaw puzzle that is programmed by the “mind” which is loaded with the beliefs in the activated state; prior recorded by his parent’s inform of experiences in their lifetime that he gets through his DNA in appearance of 36 masked faces.

belief puzzel

Human has the skill to transform himself whatever he see in to be. It’s all evident in the human nature as shown in “George of the jungle” as he was brought up by gorillas or “amala and kamala” who were raised by the wolves. Here it is not the discreet debate whether it is true or not here is the science behind adaptation in human nature. It is like the people he/she is influenced, usually whether they like them or sometime dislike, he/she picks up their pieces and fit it in themselves, and acts accordingly to that. In major cases a person living in society apart from solidarity picks up each fragment of its surrounding people, this makes him as per “unique” but in veracity he is just a numinous creature of the mind with a false identity. The reality of this aspect is the supreme control of the mind over the beingness of creation.

In easy words “mind” is the greatest directors of our lifetime because it directs the human brain to play up human as a puppet filled with emotions, which screenplays back to back into the reel of “beliefs” made by the mind of others which become the reality of themselves.

That’s the reason that in the society each and every person can understand one another mentality or they can connect to someone, that because their words gets fix in their puzzle as likeness or they could not understand someone or they instantly dislike someone because their words do not fix in the puzzle, its dislikeness.

That’s so beautifully stated in a hadith:

“Every person is a reflection of one another” ( har shask ek dusaray ka aiena hai)

P.S: GRATITUDE to my father and my Uncle (barayji) and I surely miss his teaching and whatever I am is because of his knowledge what it was gifted to me (free of cost) the last 4 years ago and in the last two years I have practice all of these lesson to be what I am today. I realize my mistake and when I got LIGHT, it was too late.

©Mindmasked 2015

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