Everyday life Universe

Be-friend with Universe: Part I (AGFLAP)


The best thing about the relationship between human and Universe is that they are one in nature. The elements of Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Hydrogen are most abundant in Universe along with minute concentration of other elements. Similarly, the exact composition of elements can be found in humans too. Hence, if dig deeper, the baseline of UNIVERSE and HUMAN is same and they both are ENERGIES.

The relationship between both of these energies gets further strengthened by arrival of Spirit in human body, which is actually a LIGHT of Creator.  This LIGHT play significant role to plug both energies and make them synchronized with each other.

The problem is that in most cases, Human Energy often remains detach from Universe’s Energy. Humans face problem to get synchronized with harmony of Universe and remain in Unstable Vibration Mode.

The question is why this Unstable Vibration Mode get on?

It is due to six emotions, Apathy, Grief, Fear, Lust, Anger and Pride, collectively given name AGFLAP. These emotions are also ENERGIES but they are NEGATIVE in nature. When they get activated, they cut down the connection of Human Energy with Universe’s Energy. They act as BARRIER and do not let human to get synchronized with Universe.

These emotions exist in every human being because they are generated by Mind and Society. No one is devoid of these negative energies. It is not a bad thing to get entangled in these emotions but it is bad, when human Choose to dwells in it.

Those human being who value the emotions and like to live in them, break their connection with Universe. They view their human body and Universe as two separate entities. They believe that Universe starts after 300 miles above the earth and AIR is the bridge between Universe and them. In the contrary, those who like to break from Emotional Drama and take out these negative energies from inside, they instantly get connected with Universe. They do not feel difference between their earthly body and universe. They found that their body, earth, sun, moon, stars and whole heaven is ONE WITH NATURE.

The moment they break the barrier of AGFLAP they themselves become UNIVERSE.

® Mindmasked 2017 © Sajal Khan

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